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Preview of the Brady Nikas Collection Catalog


half sheet broadsides • full sheet broadsides • double full sheet broadsides 

book covers • chapbooks • books • prints

Each honeycomb cell represents a page from The Brady Nikas Collection catalog


Vista previa del catálogo Brady Nikas Colección


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Cada celda de panal de miel representa una página del catálogo Brady Nikas Colección

Select a Honeycomb cell, each contains a preview example of art work by J.G. Posada or another artist from the Brady Nikas Collection. Each cell contains a downloadable link to the first page of that particular archival catalog. The entire catalog is available for viewing.

See below for instructions.

The Spicy Calaveritas

The Spicy Calaveritas

A calavera text describing social scenes of Mexican revolutionary times. Single-sided orange half sheet broadside, 2 type metal engraving. A pair of calaveras couples with one signed by JM. 20 X 30cms. A dingbat calavera on bottom above publisher’s information. Right engraving attributed to Posada. Catalog: A-A-Halfsheets-1

The Cathedrals Clock

The Cathedrals Clock

The text tells the story of an event in which the clock is removed from the cathedral en Mexico City circa 1905 1 double-sided tan half sheet broadside, 1 metal type engraving which depicts a clock with sun in center and people around it. This is a 20 X 30 cms with a plate attributed to Posada. Catalog: A-B-C-Halfsheet-52

Dreadful Event

Dreadful Event

The text tells the story of Pedro Lara who pulled away by a hurricane for having lived in sin with a woman and killing his parents. Tan broadside, 1 metal plate depicting a man holding a man about to stab a man while the diablo pulls him and another man looks on. This is a 17X24cms broadside with an image attributed to Posada. Catalog: A-B-Halfsheets-134

Don Emiliano Zapata

Don Emiliano Zapata

The text tells the story in the form of a calavera the revolutionary activities of Emiliano Zapata. One double-sided broadside, 1 metal piece depicting a zapatista soldier. This is a 20X30 broadside with an image attributed to Posada. Catalog: A-B-Halfsheets-213

Popular Song Book

Popular Song Book

The texts are the lyrics to a popular folk song, La Tierra Temblo. One double-sided, tan broadside with an image of a man and headpiece attributed to Posada. Photo of Senorita Elena Azirmendi founder of the Mexican White Cross and the League of Women of the “People” on backside. A 20x30 cms broadside. Catalog: A-B-Halfsheets-260

Racket of Dandy and Drunkard Skulls

Racket of Dandy and Drunkard Skulls

On old and young men... 1 single sided on blue colored newsprint ground wood paper; 1 large relief cut image (Posada) and 1 small dingbat with text in letter press; 40 x 30 cm A-CalaveraBroadsides-390



Item Name: Carta Patriotica, Basta ya de tanta efusion de sangre Title Translation: Patriotica Note: Enough of so much bloodshed!



Item Name: Gaceta Callejera Gran inauguracion del nuevo hippodromo situado en el penon de la ciudad de Mexico



Item Name: Sombra de Señor San Pedro



Item Name: El Fin del Mundo Title Translation: The End of the World



Item Name: Juego de Oca Title Translation: Game of the Goose Subject: Gameboards Broadside



Item Name: La Maravilla de Mexico, Las Cuatro Apariciones de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe Title Translation: The Marvel of Mexico, The Four Aparicions of Our Lady of Guadalupe Description of Item: 1 double sided on newsprint ground wood paper; six relief cuts with text in letterpress ; 58 x 37.5cm



Item Name: Las Pesetas de Van Title Translation: Pesetas on the Way Out Description of Item: A white ephemeral book cover, 2 metal plates depicting a group of coins warriors and the other a man nailing before a woman. This is a 30X20cms with images attributed to Posada``



Item Name: El Pequeno Adivinadorcito Item Translation: The Little Riddler Description of Item: A 20X15cms chap book cover depicting a boy painting at an easel. Image signed Posada.



Item Name: El Sitio de Queretaro y El Cerro de las Campanas Item Translation: Queretaro and the Hill of the Bells Description of Item: A colorful cover from Biblioteca del Niño Mexicano, 1 metal plate depicting a platoon executing a man. This is a 8.5X12cms book with an image attributed to Posada..



Item Name: El Parrandero # 15 Item Translation: The Reveler # 15 Description of Item: A 10X14cms songbook, metal plate by Posada depicting a man holding a glass



Item Name: Reglas para La Baraja Mexicana Item Translation: Rules for Mexican Playing Cards Description of Item: A 10X14cms playing rules book depicting a set of playing cards, an image attributed to Posada



Item Name: La Purpura de la Traicion o los Suplicios del Gran Tribunal Item Translation: La Purpura de Torments Betrayal or the Great Court Description of Item: This is a 8.5 x 12 cms booklet with a chromolithograph cover image attributed to JG Posada. It is a part of a 110 booklet series called the Biblioteca del Niño Mexicano and written by Heriberto Frias.



Item Name: Bring Back the Dead - Street Sweepers Description of Item: A 32X48 poster published to announce the exhibition Bring Back the Dead at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts in San Francisco



Master Number: NWPC1318 Book Title: Jose Guadalupe Posada and The Mexican Broadsides



DESCRIPTION OF ITEM: Prints pulled by Phil Sanders from printing blocks in collection Phil Sanders is a master printer at the Robert Blackburn Print Workshop. Some restrikes are from an edition of 150 and some are house prints.






Master Number: NWPC1587 Publisher: A. Vanegas Arroyo, Mexico City

Calavera con Sombrero

Calavera con Sombrero

Plate Number: 12C12 Title: Calavera con Sombrero Scale: 2x2.5 in. Medium: Pb



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